I am a transformational systems specialist consulting & empowering integrity-driven leaders, high end executives, and business owners with emotional intelligence & big business success solutions through gamification, certification & reconciliation.
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Learn how to strengthen you, the Hero, in your Success Story to weaken those pesty self-sabotaging villains!
About Author
Sandra Nestor Love

My Toxicology to Successology Story
My story starts with being born in Haiti with seven sisters and four brothers. My wonderful father, who was an incredible welder, brought us to the United States for new opportunities and privileges. When he retired, he returned to Haiti, and I chose to stay in the United States with my older brother. I was only fifteen years old at this time, so I had to swim towards my success or sink in excuses. I aggressively chose to win.
In my early twenties, I was doing well in my career as an internet sales manager for a major car manufacturer. Making six figures and having five cars in my driveway, I felt invincible. I was the hero in my story. Little did I know my world would come crashing down in my thirties. I didn't know who I was but had a clear mental image, passionate desire, and work ethic to be successful. My focus helped me quickly attain success, but my lack of practicing core values ruined my prosperity's longevity. It felt as if I built my house and life with a deck of playing cards. My prosperity practices were stronger than my core value principles. I was a broken-hearted, divorced mom of two, homeless, and desperate to start over.
As I reflected on my situation, I realized the importance of letting failure become a teacher. Ironically, my roaring twenties were less fulfilling than my struggling thirties. In my twenties, I exercised all the prosperity principles my father taught me that made me rich in "stuff." However, the chaotic harvest I reaped in my early thirties was due to the lack of a solid foundation in my twenties. I gradually developed a drinking problem and attracted toxic relationships, rather than building my success in being a healthy human being at the core-level. I did it backward. I was practicing the wrong thing because I was focused on the wrong thing. I knew I did not need pity, so I replaced it with passion. I knew that I would keep going in the direction I chose to face and would eventually win what I was willing to chase.
Published Author of guided “MySuccess Journal series” that shifts the inner narrative to redefine THE BEST blissful legacy
Transformational Keynote Speaker topics to get clarity & strategy on who you are & what you want in commUNITY
CEO & Creative Designer of “THE BEST” bliss boosting story-telling game plan that improves clarity, strategy & community

Talk Topics

OMG: Optimizing My Greatness
Define & reframe your purposeful core-identity in a blissful success story
Everyone wants the best! What is the required exchange for leaving your best legacy? We will help you answer this question, ignite your creative curiosity & trigger a new transformation process in this session. Life is not about being perfect but enjoying our growth process. As leaders, it is vital to realize our team's achievable potential with a clear strategic plan through the three main types of conflict. Challenges are to develop our inner-hero to replace the complaining ego. Honor is the secret weapon; trustworthiness is the cornerstone & hope is the focal point of the best blissful success possible.
Journaling Book Series to help you build new neural pathways to rewrite your future:
7 weeks on the 7Cs to replace anxiety’s bullying-blockers improving corporate community culture.
5 day (vs 1 day OMG intensive ) OMG retreat to launch 90 day Transformation
1 year in Millionaires Mastering Self-Alliance to optimize others’ community festival
Noisy vs. Harmony
Blissfully become THE BEST version of yourself. Reverse engineer building your core-credibility by converting your past’s problematic painful points through story-telling for new engaging opportunities, income stream, or into a legacy leader gift for your successors.
What is the EQ Success Development System?
A 3-phase strategy that includes:
1. Gamification: You'll play THE BEST Game
2. Certification: You'll learn what we call "Prosperity Blueprinting" and establish your new Success Story
3. Reconciliation: You'll celebrate through the Core CommUNITY Festival
You'll dig into the 7Cs in 7 Weeks, where we'll teach you 7 Core Characteristics that will help you gain clarity on your core identity:
Calmly commit to share your story clearly
Consistently cultivate child-like curiosity & gratitude
Compassionately forgive yourself and others
Creatively control success-design by prosperity blueprinting
Congruently-connect to the best
Courageously confront the call to action to win the conflict within
Credibly distribute to others to increase ROI
Want clarity and strategy in your core community? Follow our EQ Successful Development System. You'll generate THE BEST R.O.I. by daily creating a total new life improvement, from the inside out, through mastering self-alliance, not self-reliance.
You'll be singing: “OMG: I am Optimizing My Greatness!”

Transformational Keynote Speaker topics to replace toxicology and get clarity & strategy on who you are & what you want in commUNITY
Replace Anxiety with Appreciative Attitude, alignment in authenticity, authority is THE BEST leadership strategy to replace anxiety or addictions
Replace Blindspots with Balance and blissful boundaries to build the best self-worth to improve partnerships (OMG to improve ROI)
Replace Carelessness with Compassionately and courageously confronting conflict through THE BEST 7Cs to leave the ultimate life legacy

Sandra has over 140 perfect 5 star reviews on Google My Business & Gigsalad.com
Sandra is a dynamo, an exciting, stimulating, and thought-provoking speaker and person. Always fun to be around and energizing.
John Beehner
CEO of AskWiseCounsel.com
(904) 536-6960
Dr. Drew Edwards
Co-Founder of NeuroGenesisProject.com
(904) 514-2057
Stacy & Michael Shewey
Founders of 501c3 Hands 4Life
(815) 505-0376
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